SFI protests against Art of Living course
Student Federation of India (SFI) - a student wing of Communist Party of India has now raked up another controvercy - internationally acclaimed Art of Living yoga courses are being banned in Kerala schools after protests by SFI.
AOL has responded
Even a Catholic vicar regretted that corrupt government officials and corrupt politicians did not allow constructive activities to take place.
Note: SFI han been funded by Association for India's Development (AID) in the past.
AOL has responded
The attitude of the misguided youth of SFI is a reminiscence of Taliban culture
Even a Catholic vicar regretted that corrupt government officials and corrupt politicians did not allow constructive activities to take place.
Denying the SFI charge that the programme promoted a cult and was unhealthy for students, Father Philip, vicar of Palarivattom church here, who has undergone the course, said the programme was useful.
Note: SFI han been funded by Association for India's Development (AID) in the past.
Once Art of Living founder wrote an article in IE wondering why that people who had names like Ram prasad, and krishna ..etc were rabidly anti hindu...little did he know that these were the commies gang..so the communist who have been deafeted all over the world want to hit back at Ravi Shankar...
Anonymous, at September 26, 2005 12:17 PM
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